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  • Writer's picturestephs.echo

Welcome to my world!

“You don’t look like someone who would be into conservation,” I was told on the first day of my degree.

I had embarked upon this new journey into conservation, as a 20 year-old who had spent the past 4 years working in pubs and clubs. It might even have been while pulling a pint behind a bar in Torquay or polishing a teaspoon, that I began to think about conservation.

I have often since wondered “what does a conservationist look like?”. I’ve come to assume it involves the wearing of a Peter Storm fleece and possessing an array of animal printed personal items (which by the way, BIG FAN!). Of course, conservation is dominated by the white middle classes. Being white myself, I can not speak for others and can never know of the experiences they have faced. I can however, do my best to promote a kind of inclusive conservation that welcomes ALL to be a part of the challenge to live sustainably.

I think it’s time that we obliterate those barriers and recognise that everyone and anyone can be a conservationist. From my dad adopting part-time veganism, to those loyally carting their bamboo straws and recyclable bags in tow, no part played in this fight is lost. To be a good conservationist, is to be willing to share knowledge, skills and most importantly, empathy, with others.

We are now at a point, where the conservation of our planet, is intertwined with everything we do. Investing, eating, travelling, politics; you name it, the environment has a link to it. A holistic approach is what is needed and in turn, conserving one’s self has never been so crucial. Is it any wonder we are facing a climate and mental health emergency at the same time?

Conservationists are a breed of human that is needed now more than ever. AMIRIGHT!?

So with that being said, my intention of this blog is to share what I have learnt (and am very much still learning!), as someone who loves the natural world, works as an ecologist and still feels they don’t fit in the clicky world of conservation. I wish for this to be a place for education, inspiration and motivation for ALL. Let’s dissect conservation issues together. Join me in navigating our way through the climate crisis, facing eco-anxiety and forgetting our bags for life (oh the guilt!). And I promise I won’t judge if you’re eating nuggets while reading this or even having a cuppa with cows’ milk.

Knowledge and inclusivity is the key and together, WE GOT THIS.

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